Friday, February 28, 2014

A Special Week Ahead


2014 Read Across America Day is Monday, March 3

Get ready to grab your hat and read with the Cat in the Hat during the week of  March 3, 2014 for the 17th annual Read Across America Week. The Seussical celebration will kick off a week of reading across the nation as students, parents, and community members gather together to share their love of reading.

Special Events at Willow Glen Include:
Monday          Fox in Socks/Crazy Socks Day
Tuesday         Grade Level Color Day
                       K4 - Orange, K5 - Yellow, 1st - Blue, 2nd - Red, 3rd - Green
Wednesday    Shirts with Blurts Day
                       GREEN EGGS AND HAM BREAKFAST (free) 7:30-8:10am
Thursday        Curl up with a good book/PJ Day
Friday             School Spirit Wear/Colors Day (black and red)

In other news...
Classroom Happenings:

K4 - The students learned about dental health and will be enjoying a visit from a dentist next week.  They will also be starting their Take-Home Book Program.

K5 - Kindergartners are beginning to write "How To" books.  Parents, look for some very informative pieces to be coming your way soon!

Grade 1 - First Graders will be immersed in some timeless classics by Theodore Geisel, Dr.  Seuss. They will also be starting their persuasive writing pieces.  They will also be learning about matter, in science class.

Grade 2 - The children are learning how to write realistic fiction.   They will be creating stories that include characters, problems and solutions.

Grade 3 - Third Graders are wrapping up their fractured fairytale unit, and will begin reading fables.  Their computer skills are continuing to grow, as they are learning how to blog!

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday, March 5 at our Green Eggs and Ham Breakfast!

Friday, February 7, 2014

A Heartfelt Week Ahead...

Week of February 10th

Students are busy learning and growing in all classrooms.
The coming week offers some exciting experiences...

K4 - The Post Office will be open for business!  Students will engage in letter writing
        on very special stationary.  Stickers and envelopes will complete the experience!

K5 - The Kindergartners finished their unit on animals, and even learned about
        groundhogs.  They are looking forward to their 100th Day of School Celebration
        on Thursday!

Grade 1 - The students completed their "All About" books and have enjoyed sharing them
        with others. They are working with their teachers on writing learning goals in the areas
        of reading and math.

Grade 2 - Second graders are writing like scientists.  They are preparing lab reports and
         learning how to write pieces through a scientific lens!

Grade 3 - Here come the fairy tales (always a favorite in third grade)!  The children will
         be exploring the world of fairy tales, and even writing one of their own.  Additionally,
         they recently celebrated their persuasive writing pieces.  They are becoming
         wonderful writers at Willow Glen!

Lastly, please remember that February 20th will be a day of instruction.  Please refer to
Dr. Thomsen's message regarding this change in our school calendar.  We look forward to working with your child/ren on that day!

Have a wonderful weekend :-)

Laurie Pogorzelski