Friday, March 28, 2014


Approaching a New Month…

Dear Readers,
I was experiencing some technical difficulties in updating the Willow Glen Blog.  These have been resolved, and we are up and running again.  Continue to look for weekly school postings.  This information serves as a tool for being apprised of K-3 happenings!
Thanks for your patience J

Laurie Pogorzelski

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thank you to all parents who participated in parent teacher conferences these past 2 weeks.  Parent-teacher conferences are an opportunity to establish better communication between parents and teachers.  Through the grading and reporting process, you were provided with information about your child’s progress, and had a venue to ask questions and learn more about grade level programming.  We hope that you found this to be a rewarding experience.
Classroom News
K4 – The students will be starting a new unit in “Transportation”.  They will also be asked to sign-in when they enter the classroom each day.  This serves as authentic  practice in writing their first names…An important K4 skill!!!!
K5 – The kindergartners finished their second “All About” book.  They are working hard at publishing these books, using the computers.
Grade 1 – First graders are beginning a new unit on Space.  They will also be starting fairy tales and preparing persuasive book reviews, aligned to the genre.
Grade 2 – Students are busy publishing their persuasive papers and are ready to learn about saving and spending in Social Studies.
Grade 3 – Third graders completed the process of sharing their book reviews.  They will be learning about biographies in the coming weeks.

Once again, the staff appreciates the wonderful partnerships that they have formed with each of you.  Working together benefits our students, and sends a message that we all care and love our kids!  

Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring Ahead!

As we set our clocks ahead, we are reminded of another sign of springtime.  The warmer temperatures, busy playgrounds, and schools functioning at optimum levels, are additional pieces in the equation that our school year has hit it's stride. 

Classroom Highlights...
K4 - The children will begin bringing books home this month, as part of their take-home book program.  This system is introduced in K4 and is expanded upon as the children get older.
K5 - Students are continuing to write "How To" books.  The writing and illustrations are to be treasured!
Grade 1 - First graders are learning some early geometry skills in math, and engaging in creating persuasive writing pieces. 
Grade 2 - The students recently completed their science and writing projects...Stop by sometime and see the published pieces proudly displayed in the hallways!
Grade 3 - The children are off and blogging!  The next time you see a third grader, ask about their fairy tales and book reviews!

Enjoy the nice weather, and looking forward to seeing everyone at conferences next week!