Friday, February 13, 2015

Week of February 9

During this week filled with sentiment and "love",  I'd like to share two
with the Willow Glen School community...

1)  Among the 10 area elementary schools in our area, including South Milwaukee and Cudahy, Willow Glen scored the highest on the Wisconsin Accountability School Report Card.  We have the highest performing school... We are Exceeding Expectations, per the Department of Public Instruction!

2)  Since implementing Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS), we have acknowledged students for showing great behavior and making good choices, over 5000 times!  We keep data on how many Gator Gotcha's that we give out, and are extremely pleased with the outcomes.

We have a wonderful school...Pass it on!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Week of February 2, 2015

Students celebrated the 100th day of school on Friday!

Below, you will find an interview with a first grader, regarding this special day.

Principal:  "What does it mean to celebrate 100 days of school?"
Student:  "I think that it means that it is our last day of school."
Principal:  "Hmmm....Can it mean anything else?"
Student:  "Oh yeah!  It means that we have been here for 100 days!"
                (insert child giggling)
Principal:  "What are you doing to celebrate?"
Student:  "We are doing lots of fun activities."
Principal:  "Can you tell me more about the activities?"
Student:   "This morning we wrote numbers up to 100.  It was kind of easy because I know
                  how to write my numbers up to 1000.  After that, we went to the gym and used
                  our bodies to make the number 100.  Our class was the 1, Mrs. Coplan's class
                  was a 0, and Mrs. Cogburn's class was a 0.  We got the best number!  The
                  teacher's took pictures of us.  We wore really silly glasses that were shaped like
                  the number 100."
Principal:  "That sounds like a great morning!  Are there things planned for the afternoon?"
Student:   "Well, we were supposed to bring in a collection of 100 things to eat.  Lots of kids
                 brought bags of cereal with 100 pieces in it.  They will get to eat this later today. 
                 My dad thought that we were supposed to bring in a collection of 100 things, not
                 food.  So I brought in 100 rocks."
Principal:  "Oh my!  Those aren't going to taste very good, are they? (more giggling)  Maybe
                 a friend will share with you."
Student:  "That's ok. Someone brought a birthday treat in today, so I will just eat that,

Happy 100 day to everyone!  Thank you for sharing your child/ren with us, these past 100 days!