Friday, November 15, 2013

It's Going to be a Great Week!

First, thank you so much to all who attended Parent/Teacher Conferences on November 13th.  It is my hope that you learned more about your child's growth over the past 2 1/2 months, as well as how you can support classroom efforts at home.  It is an honor to serve you and your children!

As we head into the week of November 18th, some wonderful things lie ahead...

K4 - Welcome to Pick-n-Save!  With the collaborative efforts of many parents and staff, the K4 grocery store will be open for customers.  Our littlest learners are very excited for the grand opening on Monday!

K5 - Students will be focusing on "Writing as Readers".  They will be approaching their writing through the eyes of the reader, and offering details to their stories.  The children are also engaged in Thanksgiving activities, as we prepare for the upcoming holiday.

Grade 1 - The children are beginning to write non-fiction chapter books.  They will be putting their previous learning to task, as they compose some very interesting informational pieces!

Grade 2 - In Social Studies, the learners have been working on map and globe skills.  They are discovering where the equater is, and can identify the northern and southern hemispheres.

Grade 3 - Much like their younger friends, third graders are beginning to write informational chapter books.  The level of sophistication will be higher...It is fun to see the skills that a first grader brings to writing, in comparison to a third grader on a such an activity.  The writing program at Willow Glen has prepared the students to be great authors!

In other news...
I wanted to let you know that We Energies will be doing some work near Willow Glen in the coming weeks.  At the request of the City of St. Francis, they are installing a new street light on the pole along the alley, west of the school.  To provide service to this light, new overhead wire will be strung to the poles along the school's property line.  Tree trimming may also occur, in an effort to allow for adequate clearance of the new wires.  So...You may see some improvements occurring in the community in the very near future!

We are in need of substitute lunchroom/playground supervisors.  The position requires on-call availabilty during the hours of 11:00-1:15.  Please see myself or Patty for more information. 

Please consider attending the next PTO meeting on November 20th.  It will be held at Willow Glen at 6:30PM.  Mr. Powell and myself will be addressing initiatives in education at the state level, which will affect our district.  Come and learn more about it!

November 19th is our next Parent/Teacher Conference date.  Take a look at last week's blog to learn some "tips" for making it a meaningful experience.

Have a fantastic weekend and upcoming week...We can all begin to reflect on things in our lives that we are thankful, and your children are at the top of our list at Willow Glen!