Friday, May 16, 2014

Week of May 19

PBIS is coming to Willow Glen!

This past week, a team of teachers spent time learning about the Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS).

What is the purpose of PBIS? 
PBIS creates a more positive environment for students and staff by establishing clear expectations for students and taking active steps in teaching, modeling and reinforcing appropriate behaviors school wide.  Wisconsin schools have been implementing PBIS since the Fall of 2006, with rapid growth in the number of trained PBIS schools in Wisconsin occurring within the last two years. As of January 15, 2012, over 872 schools in 192 districts in Wisconsin have attended PBIS training.

The WG PBIS Team is developing a structure that meets the needs of our students.  We are identifying areas/environments in our school where the most behavior challenges arise, and then planning lessons to use with the students in the fall, as a means of teaching appropriate behavior. The focus will be on rewarding positive behavior, that stems from the experience of being explicitly taught the school expectations.  Feel free to visit the PBIS Wisconsin Network, for more information.  We will be talking a lot more about this, next year! 

New Staff ...

As mentioned in the May/June newsletter, we have begun the search for teachers at the second grade level.  Mrs. Reeves and Mrs. Payment are both retiring, and will be dearly missed. 
In just 2 weeks time, we received 150 applicants for these vacancies.  Interviews will occur next week, with a recommendation to the Board of Education at the beginning of June.  I have no doubt that with the applicant pool as strong as it is, we will be bringing forth exceptional candidates.

Please remember that May 22 is a half-day for students!