Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Willow Glen Principal's Blog

Welcome to the Willow Glen Principal's Blog Spot!

The purpose of this blog is to communicate pertinent school information, and provides another venue to learn more about the wonderful things that are happening at Willow Glen.  It is my goal to share important dates, building initiatives, and classroom highlights that you may find of value.  This blog will be updated with calendar information weekly, and school/classroom information as needed.

Week of November 4-8
  • Grade 3 WKCE testing in the area of math, will occur daily from 8:30am-10:00am.
  • Board of Education Meeting 11/4
  • "Principal's Corner" monthly newsletter sent home 11/6
  • Grade 1 will be attending Wehr Nature Center 11/6
  • Market Day Pick Up 11/8

Our School Improvement Plan at Willow Glen focuses on improvement in reading achievement at every grade level.  The information below, provides you with general themes/concepts that students are working on in the area of English Language Arts.  Please know that the areas of concentration detailed below, may extend for several weeks.  Learning is a progression!

This month...

Kindergartners draw, dictate, or write informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic. Their oral language is enhanced through sharing work with others.

Grade 1
Students apply strategies to read appropriate texts and investigate topics of interest. With teacher support, students write informative/explanatory texts by using illustrations and words to share facts about topics that interest them.

Grade 2
Students make connections to the texts with topics of interest, as they focus on the authors' use of words and visual images. Students ask/answer questions to demonstrate their connection to and understanding of the text. Students apply strategies as they write using the structure of informative/explanatory texts to show their understanding of the topic.

Grade 3
Students read a variety of short informational texts (e.g., books, articles, etc.) in order to extend their own knowledge about topics of interest while teaching others. Students read for the big ideas and supporting details in the texts and use text features and search tools to locate information.  They will be checking what they already know while confirming, revising, or adding to their current knowledge about the topic. 

In other news...

November Character Trait = RESPONSIBILITY

Anti-Bullying Activity = Creating Public Service Announcements (Grade 3/Share with school community)

Willow Glen Principal's Bloghttp://www.stfrancisschools.org/schools/willowglen/wgprincipalspage.cfm