Friday, April 4, 2014

Week of April 7

Play Ball!

The students at Willow Glen are continuing with classroom activities that were highlighted in last week’s Principal Blog.  The writing that children are producing, and the literature that they are interacting with, is engaging and  impressive.  Additionally, in celebration of the opening of the Major League Baseball Season, our students are embarking on a school wide activity.  Much like our Martin Luther King, Jr. whole-school timeline, prepared in January, children will be enjoying non-fiction reading materials on Jackie Robinson.  The culminating project will be a timeline along the main hallway of the building.  Please stop by and see it…I will let you know when it is complete!

Father/Daughter Dance
This evening, the PTO will be sponsoring the first, ever Father/Daughter Dance.  The event will be held at Deer Creek for 6-8pm.  Please contact Holly Hopton, PTO President, for more information.  This is a wonderful opportunity to dads and daughters to spend an evening together, and share in the spirit of joyous parent/child relationships!

Have a great weekend!  Go Badgers!