Friday, June 6, 2014
Week of June 9
It's hard to believe that this is the last post of the school year. We have much to celebrate as we reflect on the last 9 months. Our students at Willow Glen continue to shine on State tests in the area of mathematics, and we are making steady gains in reading, as well. Classroom libraries are brimming with books that are representative of titles and topics, that the children have asked for, and the libraries are balanced between fiction and non-fiction. The Daily 5 Literacy Framework that we use to structure the reading block, has provided us with the opportunity to include more technology in the classrooms, as well as broaden choices for word work. As a school community, we are proud of our students, teachers and parents. WILLOW GLEN IS AN AWESOME PLACE TO BE!
This week we came together as a school/district, to wish our retirees well as they enter a new phase in their lives. We will dearly miss the following exceptional educators who gave so much of themselves for our children:
Ellen Erceg, K4 and Early Childhood
Mary Pat Grafwallner, Special Education
Karen Kulig, Speech and Language Pathologist
Mary Maslowski, Para Professional
Donna Payment, Grade 2
Kathy Reeves, Grade 2
We will be welcoming several new staff members next year, and I look forward to sharing more information with you in the August newsletter!
Thank you for all you have done this school year to support your child' learning. We value the home/school partnership, and look forward to continuing the strong relationships that we have built.
Have a wonderful summer with your family!