Happy Fall Harvest Day!
Today, October 31, will be our annual Fall Harvest Day Parade. It will begin at 2:00pm. Please visit the Willow Glen Website for a parade route. Looking forward to seeing many of you there!
Classroom Highlights: (Notice that celebrating writing seems to be a theme this week!)
K5 -
K5 has been learning all about pumpkins. In math, they have been counting and learning how to write numbers. Students continue to read and write daily during our Daily 5 literacy time.
Grade 1 -
Children have been working on revising, editing and publishing their personal narrative (small moment) stories. They are looking forward to our upcoming writers celebration. First graders have also been working on words, words, words! They are noticing spelling patterns and word chunks that are helping them become even better readers and writers.
Grade 2 -
Second graders just celebrated their small moment stories. They are starting to create Non-fiction books. Some of the topics include baseball, weather, cacti and bats. The students are very excited about being the experts on their topics. They will even include an author's page and tell us all about themselves.
Grade 3 -
Third graders have been writing up a storm. They just had our first Author Celebration for our personal narrative writing. The students really enjoyed learning about a true event that happened in each other's lives. They are now learning how to state an opinion and support it with reasons and examples so that theycan write an organized opinion piece. In science they have been learning a lot about the parts of a plant and what those parts do to help the plant survive.
Thank you for partnering with us in your child's education...And as always, remember to read!