Welcome to October!
First, a message from the City of St. Francis...
The railroad will be closing the crossing on St. Francis Avenue beginning October 6, 2014. Signage is posted near the crossing to alert drivers of the closure. If all goes as planned, St. Francis Avenue will be reopened October 10, 2014.
At Willow Glen...
Nearly all fall assessments have been wrapped up. Teachers are using this data to inform their instruction, and identify students in need of reading and math intervention. If your son/daughter was identified for these services, you may have already received a letter. We have 3 outstanding interventionists working at Willow Glen: Char Skenedore, Laura Frombach and Sara Bailey. These ladies are all certified teachers and are eager to begin supporting children!
MAP assessment results will be sent home during the week of October 13. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher.
Our Literacy Framework is fully functioning at every grade level. Be sure to ask your child about their experiences with Word Work, Guided Reading Groups, Computer Time, Writing, and Independent Reading. This is a research-based, balanced approach to literacy instruction.
Coming Soon...
"Grade Level Highlights"
Each week, I will share highlights from grade levels. You will hear about things that children are learning in their classrooms. It is nice to see what is happening at your own grade level, as well as learn about what might be ahead!