Welcome to 2015!
While it has been a chilly start to the new year, Willow Glen students have been busy in the classrooms. This week has involved all the regular instructional routines, including readers workshop, writing, math, social studies, science and health. We all look forward to continued daily learning opportunities in all of these areas!
Over winter break, our computer lab was updated with Chromeboxes. This will allow the lab to run more efficiently, and respond to common programs/learning and assessment websites, that are a part of our curriculum. Staff will be trained on this new system on January 14, and students will be using the lab beginning January 15 with the start of winter MAP testing.
Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports (PBIS) continues to have a positive impact on the culture within the building. The staff acknowledged students, with Gator Gotchas, nearly 3000 times during the month of November (We are still calculating December data.)! It is clear that children understand the expectations at Willow Glen, and are living up to being awesome students and friends to others!