B I N G O !!!
Today we celebrated achieving our all-school goal, with PBIS. This goal was to use appropriate hallway behavior, when moving about the building.
Background: Classes were awarded "snowflakes" every time they were identified as following our school Gator Expectations for hallway behavior. Snowflakes were put on a large tree in the main hall of Willow Glen...Once the tree was filled, we were ready to celebrate!
This morning, we engaged in playing all-school Bingo. Our oldest students paired up with youngest students, in an effort to support them when completing their Bingo cards. This was a great exercise in mentoring and showing leadership for our "big kids"! The students at Willow Glen thoroughly enjoyed this special acknowledgement, for making good choices over the past few months. Prizes and excitement were recognized in every classroom!
PBIS continues to have a positive impact on the culture at our school. Students understand and have been taught behavior expectations, and as a result, they are ready to learn every day!