Each blog, I share highlights of the students' week, including grade level activities and new learning. Today, I would like to share with you some highlights involving what our teachers are learning and doing, which positively impacts your child...
PBIS Tier 2 Training
Several times this school, our PBIS Team is meeting in Waukesha to grow our skills and knowledge with PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports). Willow Glen and Deer Creek staff members join PBIS Teams from districts across our area, to develop plans of implementing Tier 2 interventions for our students. As you may be aware, both schools were awarded the honor of being "Schools of Merit" for their success with the first tier of implementation of PBIS. Currently, we are learning about deeper, focused strategies for reaching some of our more reluctant students. After each PBIS meeting, we return to Willow Glen and put our new learning into practice. The students are benefiting from this adult professional development, and we have enjoyed watching the climate improve at WG, with fewer behavior incidents and happier children!
Leadership and Coaching for RtI (Response to Intervention)
We have a team of educators from across the district, who gather in Oconomowoc a few times per year, to learn more about the impact of coaching on student achievement. In these sessions, we are introduced to the tools needed for teacher leaders to coach other educators. These gatherings have been of high value, as we grow to understand the process of coaching, with immediate, actionable ideas to take back to our buildings. Together, we are creating a coaching vision, and developing a work plan.
Early Literacy Service (ELS)
More than 10 teachers have been formally trained in ELS. This is a full year program, offered in the evenings, which addresses researched-based strategies for supporting our struggling readers. Select students at Willow Glen are receiving this intervention on a daily basis. We have seen students excel to meet and exceed grade level benchmarks, as a result of their participation in this program.