The Polar Vortex has struck again!
Let's hope that this is the last time, this winter, that we will see these dangerously cold temperatures. We miss our students when school is not in session!
I would like to share with you some things that our staff has been working on, as we strive for continuous improvement within our building:
Friday, January 24th: Teachers continued on their work with curriculum mapping. They spent time aligning resources and planning their 180 days with students, in the area of reading/language arts. Staff also had an opportunity to work on record keeping, during the afternoon hours.
Wednesday, January 29th: Teachers took the afternoon to analyze student data, using MAP data and benchmark assessment data, in the area of reading. Additionally, we spent time having rich conversations about functioning in a growth mindset. In part, this means approaching students with an understanding that their attitudes and effort are indicators of future success, rather than simply innate ability. As a staff, we need are committed to celebrating student growth, on a regular basis. These celebrations, together with the focus on the learning journey, will inspire students to be the best that they can be!
Also, thank you to the parents that attended the Parent Advisory Counsel meeting on January 22nd. We discussed math programming and interventions. Our next meeting will be in March. The dates and times of these gatherings are communicated through the Principal's monthly newsletter, through the Wednesday take-homes, and through this blog. Stay tuned.
Beyond that, it has been a short week, and we are ready for 5 full days of instruction with your children next week! Stay away Polar Vortex!