A Week in Review...
It's been a calm, peaceful week at Willow Glen! Students are focused on the learning that is occurring in the classrooms.
MAP testing continues to take place, and staff is analyzing the data as it comes in. This provides teachers with valuable information to make instructional decisions for your children.
In celebration of Martin Luther King Day, a timeline was created and now displayed in the main hallway. If you get a chance, please stop in and see it. Every child in the school participated in this activity!
Additionally, Anti-Bullying remains a focus at Willow Glen. Our third grade students choreographed and filmed a "public service announcement", bringing awareness to this sensitive topic. It will be made available to parents in the coming weeks. The students are planning future PSA's, as well. Stay tuned...
Please remember that students do not have school on Friday, January 24th. Teachers will be involved in curriculum mapping and record keeping.
Enjoy your weekend!